SquidGuard is a URL redirector used to use blacklists with the proxysoftware Squid. There are two big advantages to squidguard: it is fast and it is free.
Primary tabs
Various bits of code, scripts, and procedures were put together with information from John Simpson's qmail.jms1.net website. It's an excellent resource on managing and setting up a Qmail server.
- MariaDB
- Apache webserver, compiled with:
./configure \
--enable-so \
--enable-ssl \
--enable-rewrite \
--enable-suexec \
--with-suexec-docroot=/var/websitesBefore you compile, edit
and change the AP_HTTPD_USER from the default "www" to the "nobody" that our Apache install instructions use:#define AP_HTTPD_USER "nobody"
#define AP_UID_MIN 99
#define AP_GID_MIN 99
cd /extra/src
wget http://tcpdiag.dl.sourceforge.net/project/dspam/dspam/dspam-3.10.2/dspam-3.10.2.tar.gz
tar zxf dspam-3.10.2.tar.gz
cd dspam-3.10.2
Configure it:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
./configure \
--enable-daemon \
--enable-debug \
--enable-domain-scale \
--enable-long-usernames \
--with-dspam-home=/var/dspam \
--with-dspam-home-owner=simscan \
--with-dspam-home-group=simscan \
--with-dspam-owner=simscan \
--with-dspam-group=simscan \
--with-storage-driver=mysql_drv \
--with-mysql-libraries=/usr/local/mysql/lib \
--with-mysql-includes=/usr/local/mysql/include/mysql \
--enable-preferences-extension \
Build and install the binaries:
make && make install
Set up MySQL database and tables:
cd src/tools.mysql_drv
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root -p create dspamdb
cat mysql_objects-4.1.sql | /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p dspamdb
cat virtual_users.sql | /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p dspamdb
Log into MySQL and assign a password for simscan to us the dspam database:
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p
grant all privileges on dspamdb.* to simscan@localhost identified by 'password';
flush privileges;
Of course, change "password" to something meaningful.Be aware that the user simscan has ALL privileges (including the ability to delete the database) unless you do something otherwise.
While in MySQL, make sure the dspam database tables use the InnoDB engine:
use dspamdb;
alter table dspam_preferences engine=innodb;
alter table dspam_signature_data engine=innodb;
alter table dspam_stats engine=innodb;
alter table dspam_token_data engine=innodb;
alter table dspam_virtual_uids engine=innodb;
Also, add indexes to a couple of the tables in case you want to optimize the purge script.
alter table dspam_token_data add index(spam_hits);
alter table dspam_token_data add index(innocent_hits);
alter table dspam_token_data add index(last_hit);
Edit /usr/local/etc/dspam.conf
EnablePlusedDetail on
PlusedCharacter -
PlusedUserLowercase on
QuarantineMailbox -quarantine
Trust root
Trust dspam
Trust vpopmail
Trust simscan
Trust qmaild
Tokenizer osb
TrainingMode toe
Feature noise
Algorithm graham burton
Tokenizer osb
PValue bcr
ImprobabilityDrive on
Preference "signatureLocation=headers"
MySQLServer /tmp/mysql.sock
MySQLUser simscan
MySQLPass p4ssw3rd
MySQLDb dspamdb
MySQLCompress true
MySQLReconnect true
MySQLConnectionCache 10
MySQLUIDInSignature on
ServerPID /var/service/dspam/var/dspam.pid
ServerMode dspam
ServerPass.Relay1 "p4ssw3rd"
ServerDomainSocketPath /tmp/dspam.sock
ClientHost /tmp/dspam.sock
ClientIdent "p4ssw3rd@Relay1"
If simscan hasn't been installed yet, add a user for it:
groupadd simscan
useradd -g simscan -s /bin/false -c "SimScan Content Filter" simscan
Change the permissions on the Dspam install so that the Simscan user can access it:
chown -R simscan:simscan /var/dspam
chown simscan:simscan /usr/local/etc/dspam.conf
chown simscan:simscan /usr/local/bin/dspam
Training Mode
Ending Spam: Bayesian Content Filtering and the Art of Statistical Language Classification - description of training modes
Daemontools startup
mkdir -m 1755 /var/service/dspam
cd /var/service/dspam
mkdir -m 0750 log var
wget http://qmail.jms1.net/dspam/service-dspam-run
mv service-dspam-run run
wget http://qmail.jms1.net/dspam/service-dspam-log-run
mv service-dspam-log-run log/run
chmod 0750 run log/run
chown simscan:simscan log var
chown root:simscan run log/run
Adjust the two run files to setuidgid as simscan
Start the service:
ln -s /var/service/dspam /service/
svstat /service/dspam /service/dspam/log
tail /service/dspam/log/main/current
Additional References
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